So as many of you know, last year Henry was able to go visit Grandpa in Idaho and actually drive the big tractor. It was the highlight of his year I think! haha He talks about it all the time, and his favorite book is of course a farmer book. So we thought Henry would LOVE to ride on the mini John Deere rototiller with Daddy.

He seemed to be really excited about it. However he soon realized that riding this tractor had some serious differences. Grandpa's tractor is enclosed, and there is a seat just for Henry. And M&M's to snack on while driving. Grandpa's was not so loud either. Turns out he's a bit spoiled because of Grandpa's really awesome tractor... and this one wasn't as enjoyable. In fact after a few rounds of the garden area he was falling asleep and or fussing because he wanted off. :) Guess buying a small tractor isn't gonna work here... we have to get the GPS, enclosed cab, REAL DEAL in order to appease our son. Thanks Gramps!

Elizabeth on the other hand really enjoyed it... she was making sure Daddy was keeping it straight. Although Elizabeth also got to ride with Grandpa, she didn't seem to mind the "small" time Deere. It was a fun afternoon.

We live in AK not ID but I'm thinking both our kids might turn out to be "cowboys"! Maybe I should start looking for some cowgirl boots. She would love it. Although she's pretty attached to her rubber boots. Just like her Mama.
I have pics of the garden area, once I get all the rows done, and ready I'll do a before and after of our garden/mini farm?! (Rows are about 100 ft. long and there's about 10-12 of them. :) I'm excited, I think. Lots of canning this fall and awesome veggie dinners this summer.
Sheesh. We wanted to expand this year but with me going to have surgery in a couple of weeks, we figured that we better stick to our current spot so I don't get too overwhelmed. After reading this, I'm wishing we could though. My little plot is super tiny compared to yours!! If you need anyone to take extra veggies off your hands--CALL Me!!!! :)