Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Confessions of THIS Mom

I am always ok with posting on my blog about our successes, our awesome family time, our accomplishments, and the good in life.  I think I've posted a few times about my failures, but I thought I would share something I learned from a lecture I gave my daughter.
We were having another "discussion" about how she NEVER listens (My exaggeration), and I said to her, "If you don't listen, you will never learn."  Which is true! (In this case she wasn't stacking the books exactly how I told her, hahaha I know...after 8pm I quit even trying to be patient) Another of my many weaknesses.  However, I thought to myself, HA Lisa, you're RIGHT! You don't listen either, that's probably why  you haven't learned to conquer your anger! (Yes I am still yelling, thus all the exclamation marks.)
As a Mother I stress about many things, most of them unimportant or out of my control.  I worry about my children's behavior, how they act to their friends, to other adults, at church, at school... basically I constantly worry about them, EVERYTHING about them.  Natural? Yes.  The only problem with this, I realized today, is that I have quit examining myself (well sort of), my behavior, how I interact with people around me, at church, at school, at home, etc. My disclaimer is that I realize many times that their behavior exactly reflects me and my behavior. But instead of trying to change myself, I just get frustrated with them and fuss over changing their behavior. I see my flaws and I point them out in my children.  But I haven't been constructive with my self criticism, only destructive. Listen and Learn.  
Here's another funny one, as an athlete I realized that I performed and learned better when I was encouraged, not criticized. My daughter is the same way, however, my mothering skills have tended to follow the later.  Why?  Maybe encouragement is actually a skill, or a talent, or maybe it just requires practice, or patience, ugh, in which case it may be hopeless for me!!
What I have learned tonight is this, my children are awesome, they are still perfect to the Lord and it is ME that has to change.  I have to walk in the Saviors foot steps so that they will know where to walk.  I cannot expect perfection from them when I myself am so completely imperfect.
My goal for tomorrow, because that's as much as I can handle, is to encourage the good.
I always knew I wanted to be a Mom, I wish I would have stopped for a minute to realize what exactly that really meant and how I could have prepared myself..even just a little! 
Encourage the Good!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it's a hard pill to swallow when I realize that when I think my kids are being overly critical of each other, it's only because I am being way too hard on them. Or when I yell at them to stop yelling. Ha! Thanks for the reminder that they truly learn by watching and doing what I do. Scary thought. But, you are an inspiration to me to refocus my efforts of encouragement and patience! Why is it so hard?
