Thursday, March 4, 2010

Settling In

Sorry i haven't posted in a while... I know many of you were anxious to hear about getting home. The flight was alright, Elizabeth was awake until we began the "final descent" into Anchorage. She was looking out the window for Daddy, she couldn't quite see him, so I told her to keep watching. (Good one mom!) So the wonderful flight attendants helped me carry bags and children out of the plane.
Elizabeth was so excited she ran up the ramp to the airport, and some how couldn't find Daddy even though he was standing right in front of her. I think the buzzed head didn't help and she may have been still dreaming or sleep walking. Uncle Brad and Aunt Sarah brought us home, I think they brought us home a year and a few months ago too.
Elizabeth and Henry have both been very excited about all the snow and Henry has to go outside at least once a day. Elizabeth is very sick, I think this happens every time she comes home. I don't mean to offend anyone by not visiting, but while I'm a nervous wreck about sick people being around us, I don't want to take my sick kids around you.
We are all so excited to be home and although Daddy thinks it's too cramped and is past ready to build another house, I am LOVING it! Home and safe, and our first visit went wonderfully! Henry did awesome for the nurses and felt right at home. His counts continue to go up! He's eating like a CHAMP! He loves taco meat and guacamole and salsa, and is eating whatever Elizabeth doesn't eat. We play games to see who can drink the most juice, so I'm pretty sure he's at or close to his goal liquid intake.
So the transition home has been wonderful! Easy and while I am sure there may be bumps in the road ahead I am so grateful the Lord has made this trip home so wonderfully easy.


  1. Welcome Back! hopefully I'll get to see you before I leave! Alex is sick too though :( Good ol' Alaska. You can always count on it to provide colds for your child!

  2. woohoo!! great to have you all back in state. if there's anything I can help with, let me know.

  3. So glad you are home, welcome back!
