Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Lovin'

For those of you who do not live in Alaska or have not been here during the month of May, let me just tell you...it's Heavenly! The best month of the year by far! Trees and flowers budding, planting and preparing gardens, hot weather and lots of good ol' sunshine!
I believe we are living in a period of bliss! The blessed life that follows great tribulation. I do not know how long this may last... but oh how wonderful life is! Henry continues to progress so much! Let me just recap for you...
Over New Years, Henry was in the PICU because he had fluid around his heart, a pericardial effusion.
February, Henry still had an NG tube in his nose and he didn't know how to eat on his own. Nor could he speak.
November, after being released from the hospital after what looked like serious sepsis, he was just learning how to scoot on the floor and could not stand on his own.
TODAY... Henry walks and climbs everything, eats anything you give him, he especially likes Mango Salsa, he's beginning to speak and best of all his blood counts are normal!
Consider if you will the beginning of his speaking life as Feb. Most children do not speak until the NG tube comes out, if they haven't already learned to talk. Bugs the vocal cords or something. Over the last few weeks he has progressed to saying "bubble", "turtle", "alligator", and much much more. We started using a website called starfall.com and it's wonderful. Both Henry and Elizabeth sit at the computer and learn letters and sounds and words. I think they will both be reading at the same time, or Henry will surpass Elizabeth. He's a sponge hungry to learn.
Elizabeth keeps our neighbors busy, rarely is there day that goes by when she isn't knocking on their door, questioning them about the mysteries of life. No they aren't kids, they are adults and she loves them SOOOOO much. Recently we purchased the movie "Matilda" and I'm concerned that one of these days she will provide me with adoption papers, asking to go live next door.
We have been so busy gardening and playing that we have rarely been indoors since our last post. We went to Jim Creek and played on the dunes and now Elizabeth asks daily to go back to the beach. OR to climb the mountain, a week or so ago we went and climbed the butte and then headed up to Hatchers and hiked the Mint Trail for a few miles. Elizabeth was not at all excited about flat trails, she simply wants to go UP the mountain.
We are beginning to see our seeds sprout and the miracle of growth. Our piggies are growing and being completely spoiled!
So much to write about, I know I should write more often... well pictures will be coming next and they are really fun! I do hope you all had a wonderful Memorial day, what a blessed land we live in, and how grateful I am for the men and women who serve every day to protect it!

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