Tuesday, June 16, 2009

28 Days and Counting

No that isn't the number of days until we come home. Unfortunately. :) It's the number of consecutive days of sunshine here in Seattle, WA! So the reason we have neglected the computer so much lately is because we were outside enjoying as much sun as we could. Two months indoors will make you really appreciate the fresh air and sunshine outdoors.
We met with the Orthopedic Doctor and the Geneticist last week. They explained that Henry has very low bone density, in fact it's the lowest they have ever seen. Kind of like "Unbreakable" the Samuel L. Jackson character.. that breaks a bone when he falls. So it's a good thing that Henry hasn't started walking. However, they also explained that when Henry starts walking, and I should definately encourage him to stand on his own, his poor back will correct itself. So we are working on getting his leg strength up, very carefully.
Every day Henry is becoming more of a little boy. He talks, mumbles and grunts, so much, and loves to throw his toys around. We have so much fun together, laughing and playing. We have some wonderful friends that we've met through the ward here, and they have been taking very good care of us. I was soooo sad last week to see Mandy and Tom leave. Mandy has been such an incredible strength and help to me. We will really miss them.
Elizabeth should be coming soon YEAH!!!! I have missed her so much! I try not to think about it because it physically hurts not having her here. Mom called yesterday and said Elizabeth is getting sick. So we are praying that she gets over it really quickly so she can come visit.
However, today Laci is coming and we are very excited! I'm bumbed because this week we are going to be spending every day in the clinic getting infusions.. So that will stink but hopefully we'll have some fun too. And then Joel will be here... so we'll have quite a full month of visitors, which is really exciting. Makes the time go by so much faster. Although I can't believe it's already been six months!
After everything that has been happening, I fully expect to be here at least until Christmas. We had a period of frustration and right now I feel at peace with that idea. We can be here until Christmas if it means Henry will get better. And if it doesn't work out then, we'll adjust again. The Lord has been so kind and loving to us, and constantly shows us why things work out the way they do, and how much I don't actually understand.. in the big scheme of things.. So I'm grateful that the Lord is watching over and guiding us! We miss you all and Love you tons.
Sorry we don't have any pictures.. our web cam doesn't take very clear pics and Joel has the camera. So until he comes back we'll be pictureless. :)

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