Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quiet Time

So a few things about this video; first, Elizabeth doesn't really take naps anymore, so we compromised and did quiet time on the bed reading for an hour or so. Some times Henry joins her, usually not. Get a bit too rowdy. Second, you will notice the two beds pushed together. Henry is far too big, long, to fit into the cribs here, so he sleeps on the bed with Elizabeth. I sleep in the bed close to the dresser, and two crazies sleep on the other bed. Henry sleeps at the bottom of the bed, which has been alright..(minus the fall two nights ago).. and Elizabeth sleeps cuddled with me or with her feet by my head so she doesn't kick Henry. It's a fun arrangement, I could sleep on the couch bed with Henry but I miss cuddling with Elizabeth, and it's the warmest room in the apartment.
Henry continues to do really really well. Tomorrow he has labs after going a week with out any checks. He looks really good and has made lots of progress. It's like Henry was born again and is going through all the baby stages that he missed. He has started to crawl a few steps and really enjoys walking around, chasing Elizabeth. It was really warm yesterday, mid 50s and sunny, so we went outside to play and it was wonderful! Henry walked, with help, all over the park! He stands by himself more and more. He's getting into the noise making stage too, we say "Henry what does Elmo say?" He says "Mama."
What a blessing these two children are in my life! Elizabeth is so wonderful and helpful and quick to teach Henry that Jesus wants us to share with each other, and that Jesus loves him too. And they are so fun to watch together. Elizabeth can make him laugh all the time, and she pulls him all over with the wagon. This year has been a wonderful blessing thus far! I'm so blessed to have two wonderful children bless my life so richly! (I know every mom feels that way!)

(PS Sorry the video wouldn't upload.. maybe another day..)

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet picture! They look like two little angels.
