Thursday, February 11, 2010

clicking my heals three times...

We are having a teleconference tomorrow with the Docs in AK. We decided that for a while longer Henry should go through the HemOnc Clinic at Prov. While we wanted to get his line pulled, the Docs and I decided it would probably be better for Henry if we kept it in for another three months. I can handle that. We have tickets I think, but I'm not going to divulge the date, I just don't want to jinx anything... I'm a little nervous that somethings going to happen and we'll have to change the ticket date. So I'll just let you all know we're coming home very soon!
It is very entertaining going through toys with Elizabeth, what should we get rid of what should we pass on what do we throw away... everything that we're giving away is usually Henry's and everything else is suddenly the most important toy in her life!!!! Luckily we have a lot of toys that can be cleaned and passed on to families here at the RonDon and the ones that the kids have trashed we can get rid of, it's a bit harder when it comes to stuffed animals, I'm a closet junky when it comes to stuffed animals. I have sentimental attachment to them, they remind me of certain trials through out our treatment, or times we were celebrating. I have tried to keep in mind the whole $$$ per suitcase and have done pretty well and passing on the stuffed animals. There are a few that I just can't quite part with yet, sorry honey!
We've been trying to get Henry to drink more, about 8oz of milk per day. We're still trying to figure out the whole allergy thing, like I mentioned in prior posts, but we're starting him on Lactaid to see if he can handle it. He isn't interested in drinking anything other than juice... but we're working hard on that. He's dropped some weight, but is still in a healthy weight range. (Although he looks sooooo skinny!) Tomorrow we'll weigh him again and keep moving forward with out the tube!!! WAHOO!
Mentally I'm freaking out!!! Trying to convince Elizabeth we live somewhere else, and that snow is a good thing... its spring in Seattle, I Love Seattle, why does everyone complain about the weather here?! But it's time to move on to another phase of life and I am looking forward with anticipation to what the future holds for us.

P.S. Elizabeth is trying to teach Henry how to do somersaults! They are so fun!!!


  1. We are so excited you guys are coming home. Lisa you are so strong and such an amazing mother. I cannot wait to see you all. We are praying everything continues to go well and you guys get home soon!!!

  2. We are excited for you guys to go home and be with Joel! It sounds like he's pretty much done an extreme make-over on your house! I'm sure that will be a fun surprise. We love you guys tons and hope you don't have to change your date!

  3. FINALLY!!!!! though chances are we'll be gone when you get back :( go figure. But that will make coming home that much better since you guys will be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. So glad to hear the good news, I am in Seattle now, and don't much care for the clouds, give me cold and snow and sun any day, but being with the grandkids is always worth the clouds, Wish I could stop and say hi to Laurie and Elmer, I even have Gary with me, he gets to play grandpa, its quite entertaining :) Can't wait to hear your home in AK!

  5. Lisa we would SOOOOOO like to see you when you get home!!!! Please get a hold of us!

    Cari & Ben
