Monday, July 20, 2009

Change of Plans

The Doctors came in today and told me that the Donor has been deferred...which means they aren't going to use that donor. I was a bit let down, the severe drop in the roller coaster ride, but for whatever reason they aren't using her, she wasn't a good enough match for Henry. So instead of waiting another month or two for an unrelated donor, we are moving forward with a cord blood transplant.
The nearest cord blood match is the SE somewhere, so in the next week or two we'll be doing the transplant, hopfully just delaying transplant by a few days. The Doctors feel it's in Henry's best interest to go forward with the cord blood transplant because of his condition; he isn't responding as well to the chemo and steroid pulses anymore. His poor little belly is getting bigger every day, liver and spleen can't take much more.
The possibility of getting Graft verses Host Disease is always there, however, some research shows that with cord blood it's less likely and if you do get it, GvH then it's less severe. The only real difference between the unrelated donor and the cord blood is that the engraftment will take longer, which means longer in the hospital.
All in all we're accepting what comes, trusting that the Lord has everything in control. Henry is still happy and loves to play with big sister. Thanks for all your prayers, you are helping Henry survive this trial. :)

1 comment:

  1. THis is a test. Trying to figure this out via gmail. Jimmy Ng (Colin's Papa)
