Monday, August 3, 2009

Transplant Day!! Horray!!

These are no where near as pretty or as good as Trophy Cup Cakes but they are red velvet cup cakes with coconut on the frosting. :)
The transfusion is actually not put on a pump it just drains in on gravity. I think it only took 30 minutes, maybe even less. Wow.

Elizabeth wanted to watch a movie in the cupboard again instead of watching the transfusion.

We were all enjoying cupcakes during the transfusion. We wanted to hurry because the DMSO in the bag of cord blood smells pretty bad. Much like creamed corn and not in such a good way. The nurse and I decided we aren't going to eat cream corn again. Tomorrow he's gonna smell even worse. He breathes creamed corn.


  1. Am so excited for you all, yea for Henry! I love cream corn and so does Gary, its all good! Tell Laurie and Elmo hi from us. I am hopefully going to my first moose camp this fall. I've been working of Joe for a while with Gary's blessing, so excited!

  2. YEAH henry! you are so strong! we love you so much and can't wait to see you soon! keep us updated!!! love you lisa jo!
