Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fun on the Playground

We celebrated awesome biopsy results with some Ice Cream bars!! Elizabeth only wanted to like the vanilla ice cream, so daddy had to eat the chocolate coating.. poor daddy. :)
Looking for the "animal in trouble"...usually it's the crab that you can't see...

Running around after a soccer ball.

"Country Girl!"
Elizabeth is definitely a "country girl."
She has to have outside time or she goes stir crazy!
And she always loves being outside, running around as fast as she can.

Driving the boat...
Walking through the maze of "shops"...

Never sitting in the Queen's chair, always the seat with the best view! And the most sunshine.

Enjoying the castle for a moment.


  1. that looks so fun! And hello nice weather! I'm in boots today. yup. boots. brrrrr!

  2. We may not be running into you in the halls anymore but we are still watching you... Thanks for keeping us updated and CONGRATS on all the great test results!
