Thursday, September 17, 2009

Keeping Healthy

J and I are trying very hard to stay healthy, it seems no matter what you eat from the cafeteria, you will gain weight. So we're eating lots of salads and chicken and trying new exercise work outs. Usually I run, but since we can't do that together we do a deck of cards. You choose four exercises one represented by each suit in the deck. Hearts are jumping jacks x5, spades are abs x5, clubs are Hindu squats and diamonds are push ups. We did a deck of cards this morning, with Elizabeth joining in whenever we did jumping jacks, and crunches. After a while the room began to stink but gratefully the nurses wear masks because of Henry's virus, so they couldn't smell it. hehe.

It seems to me that J is getting more motivated every time he talks to his little brother, who is attending the academy and is confident he can take J any day of the week. So thanks little brother! haha. Our other favorite thing to do is run stairs, we've found it much easier to work out at the hospital or closer to it, so running the stairs down the hall is easy and a good work out. There are 8 flights and if you do 10 reps you've climbed 1000ft. Pretty good.

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